projects/projekte > Calling the glacier 2007-2017 and ongoing

A project by Serafine Lindemann and Kalle Laar
supported by

pilotraum01 e.V
and erbe kulturraum Sölden

Kalle Laar

Scientifing Consultant
Dr. Ludwig Braun

Was hören wir wenn es still ist. Handeln abseits des Mainstreams.
What we hear when it it is quiet. Off-mainstream acting.
Essay von Serafine Lindemann ⇒ Aviso 2017 pdf

Dem Gletscher beim Sterben lauschen.
Listen to the glacier dying.
Münchner Feuilleton, 2017 pdf

Ten Years Calling The Glacier

Ten years ago, on June 6th 2007, the sound installation "Calling the Glacier" has been presented to the public on the art biennial in Venice. Since then this art piece has been presented in numerous exhibitions worldwide, was discussed on symposiums, published in various media "rediscovered" over again.

A on-site microphone transports the sounds of nature direct and untempered with to the caller. Once you dial the number of the glacier, you are there, in real time, any time, no matter where you are.
In 2007 people became more aware of the climate change, and the glacier was embraced as the foremost visible symbol of global warming already happening.

The threat imposed by the greenhouse effect has not gone away and the recent political developments continue to provide cause for concern.

The fact that "Calling the Glacier" is still up and running and will remain so for the foreseeable future owes a great deal to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Their department of Glaciology and Earth Measurement has been a partner from the beginning, and the installation is located at their gauging station on the Vernagt Glacier.  

Dissociated from the usually short lived attention span of the art scene this installation is more of a virtual sculpture in public space, invisible and remote indeed but nevertheless real and verifiable. Visitor and artwork are not on the same visible spot but they do share the same soundscape.




10 Jahre CALLING THE GLACIER - Events at the Vernagt Glacier

Program including a visit to the glacier, lectures, films and a sound walk

Friday, 28. July
Reception at the Raiffeisen bank in Sölden and visit of the exibition in the Kulturraum Sölden. Here the relais station of the glacier-telephone is located. Ascent to the zur Vernagt hut (2740 m).

Saturday, 29. July
Ascent to the Vernagt Glacier and its snout (auf ca. 2800 m). Descent to the gauging station Vernagt creek (2640 m), visit of the climate and discharge measurement equipment.
Presentation of the measurement results by Dr. Ludwig Braun and technical supervisor, Matthias Siebers.
Lectures and films at the Vernagt hut.

Sunday, 30. July Descent